Optical Accessories – Illumination

Product No: OP-006 385
White ring-light set
40 LEDs, Segment control with Dimmer, WD 60-120mm
Ring-light containing 40 white LEDs for exceptionally bright and homogenous illumination of objects with segmental light control. The compact segmental control unit has a switch for selecting the most appropriate light setting, brightness control and two outputs for connecting LED illumination units.

Product No: OP-006 380
Polarization Filter
with analyzer for RingLight 40 LED system
The polarizing filter set consists of a polariser which is placed on the front of LEDs and an analyzer which is on the optical path of camera. It is inserted into the 40 LED Ringlight. Eliminates reflections.

Product No: OP-006 383
Diffuser for ringlight
40 LED system
Diffuser adapter for 40 LED RingLight System. Diffuser directly attached to the RingLight. The reflations and shadows appear due to RingLight on solder pads, or shiny components can be eliminated with the diffuser.

Product No: OP-006 368
White Ring-light set
80 LEDs, Segment control, WD 120-500mm
Ring-light containing 80 white LEDs for exceptionally bright and homogenous illumination of objects with segmental light control. Designed for Optilia HD Cameras. The compact segmental control unit has a switch for selecting the most appropriate light setting, brightness control and two outputs for connecting LED illumination units. Inner diameter of the Ring Light (66mm) fits directly on the front part of HD range of inspection cameras.

Product No: OP-006 368
White Ring-light set
with analyzer for RingLight 80 LED system
Ring-light containing 80 white LEDs for exceptionally bright and homogenous illumination of objects with segmental light control. Designed for Optilia HD Cameras. The compact segmental control unit has a switch for selecting the most appropriate light setting, brightness control and two outputs for connecting LED illumination units. Inner diameter of the Ring Light (66mm) fits directly on the front part of HD range of inspection cameras.

Product No: OP-006 376
Diffuser for ringlight
80 LED system
Diffuser adapter for 80 LED RingLight System. Diffuser directly attached to the RingLight. The reflations and shadows appear due to RingLight on solder pads, or shiny components can be eliminated with the diffuser.

Product No: OP-006 386
High Powered Ring Light
The High Power Ringlight is the ideal lighting system for stereomicroscopic applications in industry and life science. The integrated control system enables intuitive handling, therefore the ringlight integrates seamlessly into the workflow of a microscope.
State-of-the-art LED technology, in combination with a multi-purpose lense generates unsurpassed brightness with homogenous illumination and enables variable working distances to perfectly meet the user’s requirements.

Product No: OP-006 503
ESD Protection grid
For flourescent ring-lights
This metal grid is assembled on front of the UV-Fluorescent Ring-Light. For protecting ESD sensitive PCBs or components against electrostatic charge that might be loaded on the Ring-Light.

Product No: OP-006 378
Double-arm Spot-light
incl. Segmental control unit and power supply
Spot light with 19 + 19 LEDs on two semi-flexible arms (goose-neck) provides exceptionally bright and homogenous illumination. The product is designed for assembly on Optilia Stands with f=3/4” (19.05mm) vertical rods. Illumination intensity of the spots can be adjusted by the included control unit. Colour filters (optional) can be assembled on front of the spots if required.

Product No: OP-006 370
Bright field transmitted led
Illumination kit
BackLight containing 20 white LEDs for bright, flicker-free and homogenous transmitted light or background illumination. The compact control unit features an ON-OFF switch, brightness control and two outputs for connection to other LED illumination units.

Product No: OP-006 387
Bright field Polarized kit
transmitted LED illumination with rotatable analyzer
In Bright Field illumination, light is transmitted and contrast in the image is caused by absorbance of some of the transmitted light in dense areas of the specimen.Bright Field illumination can be equipped with crossed polarizing filters (Polarizer/Analyzer). This illumination technique can reveal details not visible using white light in some cases.

Product No: OP-006 388
Dark Filed transmitted led
Illumination kit
Dark field microscopy is a simple but yet effective technique and well suited for examining external details, such as outlines, edges, grain boundaries and surface detects.